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*Upon being placed onto APD Reserves you will be expected to play a minimum of 1 hour per a month starting from the 1st of the following month since you’ve joined APD Reserves. Failure to do this will result in your removal from the APD due to inactivity.
*Upon being placed onto APD Reserves you will be expected to play a minimum of 1 hour per a month starting from the 1st of the following month since you’ve joined APD Reserves. Failure to do this will result in your removal from the APD due to inactivity.
'''[ More information on APD Reserves]'''

Revision as of 22:48, 24 January 2024

"F*** Status update PSAs"

Public Service Announcements

These are PSA regarding the APD Faction.

Pressing issues (APD)

It's come to the attention of the Senior APD that some glaring issues are present and some changes are surely in order. I'm going to list them out below, as they do apply to all officers and their conduct while playing cop.

Inappropriate Cop Names:

  • Cop names such as "Drink Cement Retard" or anything involving hot topic issues that are considered political or socially provocative are no longer to be used while playing cop. These names were never allowed, but in seeing that we need to have some decency on the APD, this is a change that must be adhered to. Remember that the expectation is that you are professional to a certain extent and naming is a primary instance of such.

APD Dispatches:

  • Please remember to respond to as many APD Dispatches as possible as we've seen a lack of effort in responding to them. Plenty of new players send dispatches to the APD when they are in need of help since they do not know where else to turn for help. New players help the server grow and keep the servers populated, so we need to do our part in fostering growth within the community. Even if the player says they are getting RDM'd or that they do not know how to do a run, you are in a great opportunity to help a new player and show that the APD are more than just people who check red zones. Also noted, if a civilian asks you to help protect their run, you may. However, you cannot request or forcibly ask for compensation for doing such. The objective is to help the civilian population by being the helper.

Roleplay Encounters:

  • As APD officers, you are expected to roleplay every situation that you come into. Whether that be processing a suspect or just talking to a civilian in Kavala Square about a self defense charge they have. We're asking for some leniency and to use common sense when processing suspects who are roleplaying out their charges or are newer to the server or are down on their luck with money, etc. Just because you have the ability to seize someone's truck after seizing their heroin run, doesn't mean that you need to. As an APD officer, you hold discretion over what happens, so long as you are highest ranking member at the situation. The same idea comes with seizing weapons or reducing tickets, use common sense based off of the information you've gained from the situation at hand. Obviously I'm not saying to let someone go with a $3 million bounty or running around with stolen cop gear, but be mindful of your ability to impact someone's playing experience and to have fun!

FTO's and Locking Federal Event Channels:

  • This one is for the FTO's, but everyone is more than welcome to read in. As FTO's, you have the ability to lock Federal Event channels as you see fit when you're the highest ranking member online. There have been some concerns with channels not being locked when the APD is at a clear advantage. Remember, that the Senior APD has entrusted FTO's to improve balance on the server via this change. We encourage FTO's to think first with balance, and then about winning. The position of FTO, is thought of as a stepping stone to Sergeant(albeit, not a necessary one). So please, make use of the ability to lock Federal Event channels as you see fit. Obvious abuse to sway the numbers is just as bad as letting the channel become so full, that civilians stand no chance. Use common sense to personally, directly affect the balance of the server in the best possible way.

If you've got any questions, feel free to reach out to any Senior APD member regarding anything that's been went over.

FeedBack (APD)

In an effort to be more transparent APD Members, we are starting the APD Feedback System up again. This is a medium that will allow you to get informational feedback on how you can improve as an APD Officer. At the end of the day this system is meant to help people understand what they need to do, to be promoted. This does not mean you will be guaranteed a promotion, but it will help the Senior APD Members show that you are interested in progressing.

You can submit a request in the following ways:


  • 10,000 minutes
  • 30 Days TIG
  • No recent LOA's in the last month

Returning to Situations and Requested Lethals (APD)

It has come to our attention that once again, some things need to be clarified.

Returning to Situations:

  • When returning to any situation outside of the wide variety of Federal Events (Federal Reserve, Altis Penitentiary, Blackwater Weapons Factory, or the Evidence Lockup) and the APD Escort Event (must return with lights on to the event). You must be returning either Code 3 (lights and sirens) or verbally initiating. When doing so, you must announce yourself as APD anytime you are verbally engaging. Code 3 must be turned on at a reasonable distance when returning to the situation, meaning you can't tap Code 3 the second you are about to jump out of the vehicle.

Asking Civilians About Being Lethaled:

  • If a civilian gives consent to do something to them or their property (search, detain, lethal, etc.) officers are allowed to do so.
  • It has come to Senior APD’s attention that some Corporals are approaching random civilians and asking them if they want a lethal. Corporals are not to advertise lethals to civilians in the future unless there is some form of RolePlay involved, approaching a random civilian and saying “Do you want a lethal?” is not a form of RolePlay.
  • An example of a form of RolePlay would be a civilian with a bounty turning themselves into the APD to be sent to jail. The civilian does not want to RolePlay or pay their ticket and instead just wants to be sent to jail so they can be released and no longer have a bounty. A Corporal would be able to before the civilian is in restraints offer “To let God judge them for their crimes as they’ve committed so many and taken so many lives.”, or something similar, and ask the civilian if they would like a lethal. Explaining to a civilian what a lethal does is fine as not all civilians are going to be aware that a lethal will wipe their bounty but ensure you are RolePlaying the scenario all while.

Continual offenses of asking civilians about lethals will result in disciplinary action.

Vehicle PIT (APD)

We've noticed an increased amount of failed PIT attempts recently that have resulted in the discipline of many officers. This post is to serve as a PSA on what NOT to do when attempting a PIT.


  • Drive directly into the vehicle at full speed, the vehicle WILL explode.
  • Hit the vehicle from behind, the vehicle WILL explode.
  • Drive into the side of the vehicle, the vehicle WILL explode.
  • Brake-check in front of the moving vehicle, the vehicle WILL explode.

Things you can do:

  • Slightly slow down when in front of the vehicle causing it to lose control.
  • At the end of the day, if the vehicle explodes on your PIT attempt, you are at fault. Provide compensation after agreeing on a fair price with the civilian. You can do as such in game negotiating or via the Support Channel in TS.

New Vehicle Textures (APD)

When applying any of the new vehicle textures to your APD vehicles they must have clearly visible APD markings and be identifiable as an APD vehicle, if they do not they are considered undercover vehicles.

All gold and chrome vehicle skins are usable by Deputies, Patrol Officers, and Corporals as marked APD vehicles apart from:

Any fade vehicle is considered as an undercover vehicle so are only usable by Staff Sergeant +

Federal Events (APD)

It has come to our attention that certain individuals are logging on to participate in Federal Events and are not remaining online to assist with the cleanup of the Federal Event. APD Officers should also be continuing to play after a Federal Event has taken place to mentor lower ranking APD Officers.

Individuals that continue to do this going forward will be pulled aside

FTOs will now have the option to lock Federal Event channels in circumstances that they feel there is a balanced number of APD Officers to fight the Federal Event. Any APD Officers attempting to join the server in this instance should continue normal APD duties.

APD Reserves (APD)

APD Reserves

  • APD Reserves is a system from the past that is now being reintroduced to the APD. APD Officers that are on APD Reserves will not be required to make their APD times each week, preventing them from being removed from the APD due to failing to meet their times for 2 consecutive weeks.

How the APD Reserves work

  • APD Officers at the rank of Patrol Officer are eligible to join the APD Reserves.
  • Must have 30+ days TIG (Time In Grade)
  • 50+ hours on cop.
  • Upon joining the APD Reserves you must remain in them for a minimum of 30 days.
  • Joining the APD Reserves will reset your TIG (Time In Grade)
You will NOT be eligible for any APD promotions when on APD Reserves.

How to join the APD Reserves

  • To request to be placed onto APD Reserves please submit an APD Application stating that you want to transfer to APD Reserves. At this point your request will be reviewed.
  • Upon being placed onto APD Reserves you will be expected to play a minimum of 1 hour per a month starting from the 1st of the following month since you’ve joined APD Reserves. Failure to do this will result in your removal from the APD due to inactivity.

More information on APD Reserves